Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I was outside yesterday finishing the picnic set when somewhat surprisingly my oldest came out and started digging through the scrap wood - she was going to make a box. After much measuring and a little cutting she sat down with a box of nails and a hammer on the still shed-less concrete pad - grass just won't do I said, I need shade she said - I showed her the first join and then walked away.

I was hoping for the success which I knew she was capable of but I knew I might have tears if she split the wood or nailed this thing crooked - I half watched from the kitchen as she lined up the pieces and carefully hit the nails together - not perfect we agreed but very, very good.

That walking away and hoping for success is what we are given by God - the skills and tools to do things well - the ability to reach inside ourselves but then we have to do that, to reach and to find what it is that God wants for each of us.

John the Baptist was called to a strange and dangerous ministry - he must have had to pull on may reserves deep within himself and he must have felt very alone at times - but he trod the path he had been called to.

"And thou child shalt be called the prophet of the most high, for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his way." Thus spoke his father Zechariah in St. Luke's Gospel. Another day of nails and boxes - but we can do the task if we listen to the instructions - God is merciful and just and will give light and peace to all His people.

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