Saturday, August 7, 2010

more than we can desire

Sometimes when we ask for things it is easy - can I have the salt and pepper, please for example. Other times our questions are much harder - although we might like to pretend that they are going to have obvious answers, life is often not like that.

In Acts (3:1-10) a lame man asks for alms - he is carried there every day and his job is to beg from the passers by as they enter the Temple to pray. He asks Peter and John for money and they say no...but they tell him to get up and walk. What has started as a routine request has turned into a life changing experience as he accepts their call to a different sort of life. God gives him something he did not ask for - something he would not have even believed was possible.

This is what God does and can do - answers us in the most unpredictable and wonderful of ways. If we pray as if we are asking for the salt and pepper then perhaps that is all we will be open to receive - if we believe that God can give more than we can desire - that god understand our needs even better than we do......well what a world that would be.

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