Sunday, April 20, 2014

Deo Gracias Anyway

Today has been a day of highs and lows. Easter is like that. The sheer exhilaration of knowing that Jesus is risen, couple with the joys and sorrows of life around us.

This morning I preached on a difficult joy. Not a giggly sort of fake happiness which people see straight through but something more enduring.

No matter what else is going on with us in life we can come to the garden and meet the risen Christ who will recognize us by name and make us shine with light from the inside out.

This is not cheap or easy. As I looked at my congregation this morning I knew that two families were mourning fathers and grandfathers this week, there were folks with all sorts of pains and emotions, some folk were missing and missed  because of out of state funerals.

But it is still true that Jesus calls our name and transforms us.  It is not about running away but rather about living into the person who we are

And there is gratitude in this. Gratitude that Jesus waits for me , calls me, transforms me not as a puppet of pretence but as a person who is good and bad, happy and sad but shot through with resurrection joy.

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