Saturday, February 28, 2015

Quiet Day Meditation 2

Mary at the Wedding

They were family friends, we had known them for years. My father and Bart grew up together and then his daughter Ruth and I played together as children. There was some sort of trouble then and Bart was taken away by the soldiers. I was too young and no one would tell me what happened. Ruth and her mother went to live with relatives. But then a few years ago we heard from them, Bart was back with his family and Ruth had children, Reuben is a few years younger than Jesus - but this wedding is for Anna, their youngest child. She is beautiful and happy and excited.

We had been living a quiet life. Jesus scared me silly a few times, boys will be boys. That time in Jerusalem was really scary. How we didn't notice he wasn't with us I will never know but I think I heard every beat of my heart as we hurried back. Then, there he was, sitting with all the teachers, holding his own. Amazing really, we didn't know what to think, he was nearly a man then.

Since then no great dramatics, but I catch him looking sometimes. Not quite staring but looking carefully at people, at things. His face softens when he sees people who are along or hurting, you can see it in his eyes, as if looking at them will make everything alright, as if just loving them will make a difference. I tried to ask a couple of times what the plan was, whether he was thinking about going to Jerusalem, or getting together with some of the politicians, or...well....I am not sure but doing something. He is thirty now, and it seemed like nothing was happening - just a head full of scriptures and a hard working carpentry shop.

Joseph is gone now, of course. He died six winters back. His eyesight had failed and he could no longer work with the wood. At the end even picking up his told hurt his hands. He would have been so happy to get to this wedding, he loved Bart, they were close in age. Jospeh never quite saw eye to eye with my father - they saw each other as good but from a distance. But Joseph and Bart would spend hours talking and laughing and often times sitting, just sitting. When I became betrothed to him some people laughed because he was older, but I was OK with that. I had seen him laughing and sitting, seen his hands working the wood and the way he looked at his work. He was a good, kind man.

But he was not to see this wedding.

Weddings are so big. They can make you or break you, We came in a few days earl and Ruth has been a bundle of nerves. The wine merchant was late, and then later, and then by the morning of the party had not shown. This was the second order. Ruth's husband Nesh said they would be OK but Ruth was insistent.

"How many people are coming to this thing Ruth?" Nesh asked, exasperated.
"That is the problem, we never know." answered Ruth.

It will have to do, she finally conceded as guests began to arrive. i could see she was desperate to enjoy the wedding of this last child, but the worry hung thck around her. I told her not to worry, I would figure it out. I am not sure what she thought I was going to do, but something about the way I said it must have reassured her because she smiled an enormous smile and said thank-you.

I went and found the steward. "Tell me," if we get low on wine" I whispered. He nodded, the house was filling up fast, we both knew that running out was a very real possibility.

A couple of hours went by and I almost forgot my rash promise until the steward pushed through the crowd. My heart sank. I was not sure how I was going to fix this. The wine merchant had nothing to offer, we knew that, his shipment had been delayed. Jesus was talking to some friends. I pulled him aside

"They have no wine," I whispered. He looked at me in that way he does. He didn't say much, but I know he was half amused and half annoyed that I had made this my business as all.
What is this to do with us? he asked

He took charge immediately, getting the servants to fill up the big water carriers. Then I have no idea what he did, how he did it but the next thing I knew the steward was drawing out wine from those same carriers and saying how good it was.

Jesus looked at me and nodded and smiled. Something had changed in his face - a sense of seriousness, perhaps, or determination. I am not sure how to describe it but he is standing a little more upright, paying a little more attention. I know not to ask too many questions. He told me years ago that he would explain when he was ready to.

I should probably be more concerned than I am that my son has just done this thing - but I look t him and realize that there is so much more - that this is just the beginning. He watches the wedding guests enjoying the wine and smiles.

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