Thursday, April 23, 2015

St George

Today (23rd April) is St. George's Day. George is, of course, the patron Saint of England and other places. The flag of St George is the red bit on the Episcopal Shield which is also the English national flag but, curiously, we are not even sure whether George actually existed.

If George is real at all it is likely he came from somewhere in the Middle East, not England's green and pleasant land. The legend of the dragon....well, don't let me be the one to tell you but.....

The story of George breaks down into two constituent pieces, variously told. One is the story of the Christian missionary who converted thousands. The other is the brave knight who battled the dragon. My favorite version of the dragon story is the one which involved the enchanted orange tree which George clambers underneath, weary from battle. Under its branches he finds rest and healing and is able to regain enough strength to return to battle and vanquish the dragon.

This seems to me a useful sort of metaphor to have on hand when we are thinking about a patron saint, even if it requires some conversion. He preaches the Gospel, battles the forces of evil and repairs to the place of rest and restoration which I would much rather see as God's abiding presence than some sort of magic - but people get confused about that sort of thing.

The point of patron saints is to remind us, to rally us, to pull us together. This can all go over the top and get a bit silly, or downright disasterous if we are not careful. Who are those who need to hear the story, what are the dragons who threaten and breathe fire and where are the places of refuge in the world in which we live?

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