Friday, July 17, 2009

Yesterday I downloaded and ran security software on one of the kids computers. It is amazing - for such a cure little person - how much junk she had buried in her system. Most of it was Trojan's - those nasty bugs which hide until you do something innocent like type "Mississippi" or hit two keys in a certain sequence. Then whoosh....bang....and nothing is working properly.

They are names, of course, after that rather sheaky weapon of war the Trojan Horse. Whilst being in awe of the principal I have never like the deception involved in this whole tale - to give someone a gift which turns out to hurt them - that seems outrageously cruel. I suppose I should not feel too bad as it is also playing off arrogance but still - deception is not my favorite human trait.

It is, however, one which we are very good at. Especially when it comes to ourselves. The Morning Prayer reading talks about the early Disciples being sent out to preach the Gospel and cast out demons. I am not sure how many of us would take this charge today - we might get around to the Gospel bit but the thought of real spiritual powers with real spiritual consequences - better just mend the roof on the Church and leave that to someone who knows what they are doing.

Our domestication as a Church is in itself a deception - the Gospels does not belong in neat and tidy houses made of human hands it belongs in human hearts and on human lips and these are often not so neat and tidy. Whilst out buildings and rules may be all well and good, they are not our definition, and at any moment we could burst out of the belly of the thing in a bid for freedom and truth.

So beware of walls within walls, beware of hiding in the dark and waiting for a moment - that seems far to reminiscent of those soldiers hunkered down in a wooden horse. We are here and now and need to be in the light - that is a challenge of truth and being.

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