Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to school

Back to school day here today - but for the first time ever we all walked - no need for the school bus. It felt a little odd not to have everyone lined up on the steps of the bus for the customary snapshot but being able to walk to school is a bonus for everyone - I guess next year with High School being further away we will be back to the way before dawn wake-up for the oldest.

The kids are happy to be getting back into their routine - they have grown frayed with each other over the past couple of weeks. I know I am not the only mother who sighs with guilty relief when the long summer is over and the backpacks and lunch boxes are carefully packed and ready to go for the first day.

They will come home with tales which do not involve me but they want me to hear - this is wonderful. When children are tiny you cannot imagine missing pieces, not knowing friends. But we are called as parents, to gradually step back, just like we did when they learned to walk, gradually letting go, moving further away. Always ready to catch or comfort should the wobbly legs give way - ready to protect should they lead to danger.

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