Monday, September 7, 2009

summer has come and passed

I rather like Green Day - the band from whom the title comes - the song is "Wake me up, when September ends". It is written for the singer's father who had died twenty years before - but in September - so for that month he would rather not be - would rather simply sleep and avoid the pain.

I realize that the only two pop musical references in the Blog are to folk who like using a certain word not popular in polite society - but perhaps that rawness and honesty somehow work together - they are angry for a reason.

I wonder, as we really jump back in to busy life at the end of the summer - how many of us have Septembers - areas of life we would rather just sleep through, things we stick in boxes and on shelves.

I was thinking yesterday about all the folk who really have no idea about Jesus - there are plenty of them - especially those whose Septembers involve memories, not of a mean God, but of an overbearing institution in the Church, of people who did not live up to expectations. There are a lot of people slumbering  - rousing up every so often only to tell themselves that this whole Christianity thing is not worth it and somehow existing half asleep, God can seep through the ether.

Well perhaps - but another song I like is James Taylor's "September Grass" - I can almost smell and feel that softer Fall grass - free from the ravages of summer heat. Enjoying our Septembers seems to be to live into the creation we are part of. This is a twofold task - we must neither demand sleep  for ourselves - at least not the sleep of avoidance - and we must be prepared to wake the slumberers, open the curtains and let the light in.

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